How it Works

ihiveLIVE Puts You in Control

You Decide What Advertising Offers You Receive and  How To Share The Cash You Earn. ihiveLIVE works to make it happen

ihiveLIVE works - Signup

Join the Hive!

ihiveLIVE works with no paid subscription. It’s free. When you register you decide what information you want to share. You own your data. It is only shared within the Hive to benefit you and your charity.


ihiveLIVE works - Preference

Tell Us What You Want!

Select the brands and merchants that you want to receive advertising and marketing offers from.

ihiveLIVE works - Charity

Choose a Charity or Cause!

Select your charity or cause of choice. We will share up to 50% of the revenue generated from your purchases. Money for you, so you can “pay it forward”.

ihiveLIVE works - Profile

Complete Your Profile!

We take all of your personal and preference data and create an ihiveLIVE page just for you. Here you can shop, track, communicate, and share your earned cash.

ihiveLIVE works - home

Your Personalized Shopping Portal!

We deliver exact matches to your preferences: targeted merchant offers that hit the mark. Under categories such as MyMerchants, My Games, MyTravel, MyOffers, MyCoupons.

ihiveLIVE works - Deals

Shop Online!

Just like you do already today.

ihiveLIVE Members earn cash back on things they already need or use everyday. Get paid whenever you shop online with hundreds of popular brands.

ihiveLIVE works - Earnings

Collect Your Cash! Watch it Grow!

Your ihiveLIVE dashboard shows your transactions, cash earned and money for your charity or cause. Transparent access to your Member portal and progress reports.

ihiveLIVE works - Earnings

Share! Pay it Forward

You can now share your earned cash with your charity or cause of choice. “With one click you can make a difference”.

ihiveLIVE works - Signup

Invite Friends and Family !

Share what ihiveLIVE is all about. Invite people to join and support your charity or cause. Motivate each other to earn more, share more. Spend smarter. Do good. Feel good.